“Be angry but do not sin; do not let the sun set on your anger,”– Ephesians 4:26
The Bible makes it clear that anger is futile, sinful, and registers in our heart the same way as murder. But this verse is referring to anger without sin. Some refer to it as “righteous indignation.” It is the irate hatred of sin, yet the perfect love of the sinner. Sin is something we should be angry about. It is something we should be intolerant towards. It is something that should disappoint us. It is something that should break our hearts. Righteous anger does not vent, or throw a tantrum, or speak unseemly. It serves the holy purpose of purging us, and others, from sin. Righteous indignation will not allow you to see a loved one struggling with sin without intervening. It will keep you from condoning or committing sin. It is an active expression of love and holiness. Is your anger righteous? – Commentary by Steffanie Howard