But that we may not offend them, go to the sea, drop in a hook, and take the first fish that comes up. Open its mouth and you will find a coin worth twice the temple tax. Give that to them for me and for you. – Matthew 17:27

Our Greatest Provider
In a lake, a fish is swimming along lazily, without a care in the world. Ashore, Peter returns to Jesus after being harassed about paying the temple tax, worried about how they can afford to pay it this time around. Before he can say much, Jesus sends Peter out again for a bizarre task. Meanwhile, someone drops a coin and it rolls down into the lake, tossed by the waves. As the coin sinks, the fish catches sight of it and takes it up; but it’s too big and she can’t swallow it. As she swims along looking for something to help her swallow the coin, she catches sight of a worm and hastily swallows it too. Before she knows what’s happening, she is dangling in the air above the water. Peter, in hope and anticipation, opens her mouth and finds the coin, just as Jesus predicted. God knows all our needs and he’s already provided for us; if we will just trust him, he will supply. – Commentary by Sarine Thomas